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Frequently Asked Questions
Are there fees for attending your school?Yes, there is a fee of 1,000sek a month or 12,000sek a year for each student enrolled in the school. These fees are paid bi-annually and are non-refundable.
Does your school provide Swedish classes?From PYP 1 to MYP 4 the students have three Swedish lessons a week. The goal for these lessons is to build a foundation of basic to conversational Swedish so the students can make themselves understood in a Swedish-speaking environment.
Does my child need a personal number to attend?No, we are able to register our students without a Swedish personal number.
What happens after my child graduates from the MYP Program?After ninth grade, students will begin gymnasiet. The next step in the IB educational path is called the Diploma Program. This program provides a world renowned qualification that boasts a high acceptance rate to many ivy league schools. A majority of our students apply to these gymnasium to continue with the IB program. Diploma Program: International School of the Stockholm Region Stockholm International School Internationella Engelska Gymnasieskolan International/English programs. Kungsholmens Gymnasium Stockholms Musikgymnasium Rudbeck Sigtunaskolan Humanistiska Läroverket
What happens once I have applied for a spot at the school?You will be notified by email with a confirmation that we have received your application, although this does not guarantee placement at the school. We review our admissions at the beginning of March every year, a process that is finalised by the end of April. Late admissions also take place in June and August each year, as well as throughout the year depending on the availability of places.
Which grade level should we apply for?Our enrollment policy is to place students into grade levels based on their year of birth. Please see the attached grade level comparison chart.
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